Build Your Own HR Team
Jack Welch, former CEO of GE, wrote that it is critical to a company's success to "[e]levate HR to a position of power and primacy in the organization...".
It may be obvious to you that your company's success and growth has resulted in a need for more time devoted to human resources... or maybe you have not yet come to that realization. Not just in the area of compliance – which is a necessary start – but in embracing HR as a true business partner, bringing its own value to the organization.
If you – or an operations manager or executive – are trying to juggle increasing responsibilities in the area of HR, it's time to consult NavigationHR. We will help you establish a fully-functional and "state-of-the-art" HR department that is representative of your company's mission and values. Once it is up and running, you can decide how you want to keep it going, whether by new hire or internal transfer. Establishing a true HR "department" will not only improve your operations, but will signify to your employees the value that you place in them. Among the specific areas that we will address in addition to assuring compliance, will be:
Assistance with new hire selection
Development and implementation of specific job descriptions and performance goals
Development and implementation of a constant and consistent workforce evaluation process
Development of specific supervisory/reporting responsibilities (organization chart)
Evaluation and development succession planning
Specific training in smaller groups concentrating on leadership skills (transition from employee to management)
All of these areas are inextricably intertwined and are most effectively developed at one time consistent with your company's mission and values. Your people need to be managed. What matters more to your organization?